Category Archives: nature

jacaranda trees

I love that my favourite tree is blooming all over the city.

I’ve been particularly lazy with my photography of late. If the Jacarandas had started blooming about 3 months ago, I’d have enough photographs of them that I could actually start wallpapering my loungeroom wall.

But alas, I have none.

I will hold myself to the thought that I will get a glorious photo of one before the season’s out though.

One of my dear friends bought me a tree for my birthday too. So sweet! I can’t wait for it to grow and blossom.

pine tree park

I took my four legged friend to our favourite, old park the other day. I wonder if he remembers it at all.

What I love most about the park is the tall pine trees. There’s several in a line that form a pine tree corridor and I love walking through it. Makes me feel like I could be somewhere else, like New Zealand or Canada, minus the cold temp. The textured patterns on the tree trunks are amazing!

Here’s some pics.

I wish we still lived nearby.
Pretty park

Pretty park

Pretty park

Pretty park

Pretty park

Pretty park

black swans

9 September

Originally uploaded by o|ive

This is a sight I don’t see every day.

The blurry things on the left are little birds – they were so fast and there were at least 20 of them fluttering about, not quite sure what they were doing as they weren’t skimming the water for food.

I wish I lived by the river…

what do you see?

What we see depends mainly on what we look for.

– John Lubbock.

What do you see

Gorgeous sunset colours. Silhouette. Eucalypt Tree. 7 Birds.

doggy day out

There was some sunshine after the rain.
Here we have some general splashing about with partner and pooch.
Let's drive!

Sun sparkles

Cooling off

City views

Splashing around

My boys



old macDonald’s travelling farm

I love animals and if I could have a hobby farm with lots of animals, I would.

In the mean time, I take great joy in seeing the travelling farms that you find at shows or fairs. This is one that I saw yesterday.

I don’t know who had more fun, me or the children!

Billy Goat is a very cute goatFeeding the chickens (and a lamb watches)Curious calf
Camera shy lambLotsa chooksThis little piggy scared away all the chickens
Love how the kid looks like he’s about to bite the other kid’s ear! Animals are so funny…

bird life in the sailing yard

I’ve been hanging out here quite a bit lately. Each time, I’m treated to a different scene. This was today.

Black ducks out of water




Oh, I LOVE PELICANS! I just wish I had a zoomier lens. The time to upgrade from kit lens is drastically well overdue…

Chasing Dreams and Rainbows

Chase your dreams

I was waiting to cross a busy intersection yesterday when I saw this thoughtful note left behind on the traffic light pole.

I’m intrigued by the random act of kindness – who are you and what inspired you to do this? I wonder too how many people walk away smiling, with their dreams floating about in their mind and the assertion that they can achieve them no matter what.

Who would have thought that one second in all the hours of the day can leave such a profound impression?

Grab happiness in the passing moments of life

And then, when driving home from work, the sun started to peek through the padding of clouds, illuminating light sprinkles of rain and then before my eyes I saw the most brilliant rainbow.

It’s ironic that the one day I don’t take my camera with me, I see the most kickarse rainbow! Oh well, I had my mobile phone with me to capture both of these moments in time and that is the main thing, because as life marches on we forget the little things…

Perth rainbow

Look Up

Winter Tree Tops

I love staring into the umbrella-like canopy of tree tops and capturing what I see. The established and frenzied mesh of branches, twigs and foliage is nothing but art at its natural best. Next time you’re under a tree – stop, look up and enjoy the moment.